Sunday, March 1, 2009




Wanderer Above the Sea

Largely inspired by Casper Friedrich's Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog.

I took this one out at the Burgh Island. Myself and the rest of the English family headed out there for a Boxing Day excursion. It was quite lovely in all its wintery wonder; the waves crashing and the icy wind blowing.

Burgh Island is a tiny little rock standing not too far from the shore east of Plymouth. I climbe to the top in 15 minutes, just to give you an idea how big we're talking. There's a little hotel and pub at the base and the rest is caves, cliffs and grass. Perhaps the coolest attribute would be that during the day its not really much of an island... I just walked on over there from the shore on the exposed beach. But during high tide the water rises a few feet deep and you have to take an elevated tractor across.