Monday, June 23, 2008

Curtain Call

So I'm going for something totally different. I saw some cool photographs with images imposed over images and thought: "Shouldn't I be trying some of this?" Well I've got Photoshop, so I figured there was no excuse not too.

The Carlo Rossi bottle comes from... well Meijer. It's cheap vino and its damn good considering the cost. I have a glass at night after work but I add a little water though, just like the Greeks. Though they did it because, supposedly, the wine was so strong it had to be watered down. But in reality, we all know, it was crappy wine.

The graphics in the background are my order-taking sheets for Red Lobster. I spend hours looking at them so it seems appropriate that they fit into this end of the night picture.

The reason I've got the phone in my hand, or lack of hand, is because I chat with Julia after we're both done working. It's an essential part of my night and the photograph would be incomplete without it.

I tried a few different arrangements and opacities until I settled on this The reason I cut my arms out was because the photograph of me fit much too perfectly into the square that the order sheet made. I thought a little boundary breaking was in order to give it more cohesion. Plus, it looked cool with the perpendicular lines in the negative space.

Anyway, this was a fun change that I was excited about. After 163 consecutive pictures the brain can grow numb.

1 comment:

JGR said...

I like it. Very interesting. :)