Saturday, July 12, 2008

Idle Hands

So I taught James how to play Risk and Axis and Allies last night. Then with my cousin Jon and his friend Bob we combined the games to create: Rixis and Rallis. It was one of the more entertaining games I've played for sure. Anyway, how this all relates to the self portrait of the day is that I didn't get in till 2-3 am last night and I went straight to bed. Only to wake up, go to a Red Lobster meeting, and realize I didn't post last night. So here I am now.

The inspiration for this came from when I tried to achieve proper focus with the camera. To determine focus, I stand at the approximate distance from the tripod that I will when having my photo taken and then I focus from there. So I was doing that and I noticed the floor boards and red chair made a stunning composition. So I went with it from there. I tried adding hands, both feet, feet on the chair handle... Ultimately I decided on this one because it wasn't over complicated, had a nice rhythm, and the gradients seemed attractive.

1 comment:

Joe Dohm said...

hmmm....interesting that you mentioned the color of the chair in your post, but you ended up posting the pic in black and white.....