Friday, October 24, 2008

Airbase Tribute

This that I am seen n front of is a propeller from the actual planes that flew from this aforementioned base. For me, when I actually see this old, old things it's interesting to think about who might have touched this same propeller, the nature of why they were touching it (i.e. mechanical reasons) and whether or not they thought that some dude 60+ years later would be putting his own hand on it. It's unusual the connection across time that can be established between people. Because, you assume someone else WILL touch this same item, its almost a positive fact. That some way some how some one will touch this. But the best part is in wondering who that person is, why they're touching it, what they're seeking and what role does this thing play to them.

A lot of times I find or have a penny and I immediately toss it into the dirt or perhaps ocean, or better, the wishing well. And I think about someone finding it 2000 years from now wondering about me.

I suppose that's the timelessness of history.

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