Monday, October 27, 2008


So this is the Roman city Jerash and at its heart was this amphitheater. It's a massive steep hike up those stairs and it makes you wonder how many people were injured or died in entrance or exit procedures. I mean, there isn't even a railing.

So the rest of the city is a bunch of ruins with the usual column lined roads. What I found was interesting was the amount of relics lying around. I mean, I spent 2-3 hours in the surrounding desert treasure hunting with some Palestinian named Walleid. But there's remant houses and excavated areas. Most of the floor mosaics were still intact. I thought to myself as I walked on them, "I've definitely walked where Romans have now." Or rather, where they've lived. I mean, you go to most ancient sites anywhere else and its all cordoned off. Sure, a Roman prolly walked there but its not the actual floor he touched. This mosaic floor, on the other hand, was. I'm sure some someone spilled wine or something on it too. It's got history and you can definitely feel that.

So speaking of history, I was searching for a hidden treasure in the dirt and found a few pieces of pottery, I only kept the painted pieces though and I found about a million mosaic stones as well. But Walleid found a damn coin. It had Constantine on it and everything. I was so pissed. So i bought one off a shop for like 15 bucks. It alleviated things a little.

But next time I'm bringing a metal detector.

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