Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Wrong Stop

So yeah, I'm waaay behind on updates. However, I do have photos for each day. The reason I'm so behind is because of the last days that James was in the country and we had to use them wisely. And by wisely I mean canoing and going to Niagara Falls. This photo is clearly from the day we went canoing.

So at this point in time, we've pulled ashore and we're coming to realize that we're at the wrong landing. After 6 miles, we've still got an insulting mile to go. So we climbed into the canoes and headed off.

The previous hour or two was basically use goofing off. It was Lauren, Julia, Jon, Harry, Ed, James and myself. We had a veritable sea battle down the 6 mi journey. Nobody stayed dry.

1 comment:

Joe Dohm said...

you look....unnaturally tall in this picture