Friday, August 29, 2008

Never Let It Go

Julia has been taking up photography classes this year and I asked her what I ought to do for today's self portrait. She suggested backlighting and we tried out a few poses. Nothing seemed to work so I searched for inspiration on the internet. A.K.A looked at cool stuff.

Basically I was trying to recreate something along the lines of an S curve with backlighting. I tried tipping her and twisting her but ultimately I honed in on my hand holding hers to prevent her from falling. I liked how the circular motions were repeated from the light to the four arms. Plus the high contrast is neat as well.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Shipping and Handling

"Carl! What the hell are you doing in those boxes? Why don't you just buy a plane ticket, you cheap bastard." - Dad


So yeah, its a general self-portrait. But I still like it. Basically this came about from making faces at the camera under preset lights. I figured 3/4 view was typically the best view for photos, so went with that to start. One of the best things about this was that I've got the green shirt and the yellow background. Here's to matching colors.


So Joe had been mentioning to me during my experiments with the eye that I ought to do something with the ear because it had interesting forms. So I gave it a shot during this latest series of photos to see what I could come up with. It's interesting when you look at the color photograph because the back light is so intense that my whole ear lights up red. This is basically a direct transition to B&W with some minor modifications.

Looking at the photograph now, I wish I had done something with a more dramatic angle, although the lighting I can live with.

Working with what I've got.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


So I'm posting again out of the hotel, where this one was taken. I really like the interesting composition, but feel like its missing something. Like more of the face in the reflection. I don't know. I'm going to have to take one with the real camera to find out what i can do with so much more clarity.

So today was my last day at Red Lobster. I don't want to say I'm glad, but I really don't like waiting tables. It's not my forte at all. I mean, I met a few people there who do it like its a profession, as if one could attain a degree in the field. But that's definitely not me. I'm a history guy, which is why I'm getting a masters in the field. So it was kind of sad, an end of an era so to speak. Albeit a short era. Now on to Huron High School for loads of Teacher's Aid fun!

Widescreen Edition

I conceived of this idea when I was stuck using photobooth for two weeks. Ironically, I've had the camera back since then and find myself using Photobooth again. Mainly, the reason is that I never had much of an opportunity to take yesterday's photograph. Which is bull because I had the day off and plenty of time to do it. I just postponed doing it until the last minute and ended up not being able to. So I get an F.

I intended to take it this morning before church, but that didn't work out because... well... conquer club got in my way. I play Risk online, I know. A lot. It's ridiculous. So then I wanted to take it right after Red Lobster, which it was my last day!, but I had to work at the hotel. Which is where I am now.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Wrist

So the basic inspiration for this photo was the song "The Wrist" by Cleveland's own Mushroomhead. It a great song with lots of piano and puzzling lyrics and it graduatlly picks up speed over the duration of the song. I especially like the nod to Star Wars with the line "Greedo died by the hand of Solo."

Basically its a green filter with some minor dodging around the highlighted areas of the knuckles. I've found that with the yellow background that the green filter almost always does me justice.


So if no one has noticed, helix tends to be my online moniker. Why? Cause it sounds awesome, that's why. I'm phonetically in love with the word. But wherever did it come from? Why, it came from this ruler which was conveniently resting on the floor in Chris Garcia's room. He asked me for a good name, I said, ah... helix. That sounds badass. So it stuck.

Basically, what I was going for was some sort of promotional style shot. Originally, my plans were to do a major closeup, but the gradient in the background looked quite awesome and I decided to keep it. I went for the rule of thirds instead. Also, I should mention that there are a ton of white bits of cardboard sitting on my lap for good reflection.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Basically I metered off the background, which was significantly darker, and stuck my head in at various poses. I figured the light, which was inches from my face, would bleach my face out. Conveniently the edges of my face gained some nice contrast and you can pick up on some of the curves and shapes around those areas. In particular, I love how my eye came out. Everything is dark except the lashes, which lit up in front of intense light. Pretty cool. I also like the 5 o'clock shadow and the way it turned out with such texture. And speaking of which, the beard really came through as well.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Old Passport

Ah, the old passport. The only British passport that I will own... until 4 weeks from now! I had to dig this one out so i could renew it. Obviously I'll be getting an updated photo. But the baby one is quite cute. Perhaps I could ask if they can put it adjacent to my current photo. So people can see what a nice looking baby I was. Maybe customs will have sympathy for me and spare some hassle. Doubtful.

But I got the Rebel back today, unfortunately the hook up to the tripod is missing. That makes taking self portraits a little difficult, but I think I'm getting an idea of how to make photobooth work for me. Turns out green filter works a great gray scale.

Monday, August 18, 2008


So I get stabbed every so often by my xacto knife and I keep thinking I ought to take a picture of my war wounds. but I never do. Mainly cause I don't want to get blood all over my camera again. But with Photobooth, i don't really care cause I can do everything with one hand.

So there it is. My bloody finger. It's a lot less messy in camera than in life.

Tick Tock

Ah. I'm getting behind on the self-portrait of the day. I had to work this morning at the hotel and didn't get get out of work until late last night. It's not that I feel too lazy to do the days photo, but rather I simply forget. Plus, without the camera, which is still in the shop, I really don't have any notion of awesome possibilities. Which, as this photo proves, is false. I think I've got a winning composition here.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Ah yeah. So coming back from Dianna's deli and the wine bar last didn't didn't leave a whole bunch room for taking pictures. I snapped this one this morning with the cup of coffee and photobooth, I also used a red filter for the gray scale.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Ah, Morning

Damn.... I'm gonna have to write more later....

Thursday, August 14, 2008


So ok, I only had it for about 3 minutes. But that's long enough to make faces at the camera and get today's self portrait. Right after I took my photo it got buzzed off. So pour a 40 on the curb for my lost mohawk.

Now I'm back to the buzz and to be honest, its so much better than having combable hair/ I liek being able to get up in the morning and not have to think about it. Plus, it looks good. I just gotta keep the beard shorter than the hair.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Emotionless, as in Slug

Thursday is tomorrow. Which means I'm going to drive my sorry ass down to Cleveland and get my GD camera. And by my, I mean my moms. I use it more though.

Obligatory Self Portrait

Taking a photo yesterday completely slipped my mind. Without the camera it barely seems worth it.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Composition with a Bowl of Fruit

I'm getting real tired of not having my camera on hand cause photobooth is severely limiting my options. On the bright side, its only until Thursday and that little spot I always have to photoshop out will be gone. That'll be nice.

So for this I'm trying to do something with photobooth that isn't, basically, me sitting there. I used the film grain because the quality of photobooth is real pathetic, though standard for a webcam.

I figure the film grain helps to make my lame equipment into something artistically useful. Kind of like how they made film noirs. Everything was so shoddy and cheap that they had to dim the lights to hide it all. Except I use film grain. The one thing photographers have consistantly tried to destroy over the decades, is now artistic. Hail film grain.

Five Faces

I was gonna show this one yesterday, but I forgot. Fortunately, the little faces that I drew on fingers were in permanent marker and that stuff never goes away. I'm going to have to explain to my tables on Wednesday that I'm not goofy and no, there's no permanent marker anywhere else. That's alright, they might see that as character.

How low our standards have fallen.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Saturday, August 2, 2008