Sunday, August 24, 2008

Widescreen Edition

I conceived of this idea when I was stuck using photobooth for two weeks. Ironically, I've had the camera back since then and find myself using Photobooth again. Mainly, the reason is that I never had much of an opportunity to take yesterday's photograph. Which is bull because I had the day off and plenty of time to do it. I just postponed doing it until the last minute and ended up not being able to. So I get an F.

I intended to take it this morning before church, but that didn't work out because... well... conquer club got in my way. I play Risk online, I know. A lot. It's ridiculous. So then I wanted to take it right after Red Lobster, which it was my last day!, but I had to work at the hotel. Which is where I am now.

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