Monday, August 11, 2008

Composition with a Bowl of Fruit

I'm getting real tired of not having my camera on hand cause photobooth is severely limiting my options. On the bright side, its only until Thursday and that little spot I always have to photoshop out will be gone. That'll be nice.

So for this I'm trying to do something with photobooth that isn't, basically, me sitting there. I used the film grain because the quality of photobooth is real pathetic, though standard for a webcam.

I figure the film grain helps to make my lame equipment into something artistically useful. Kind of like how they made film noirs. Everything was so shoddy and cheap that they had to dim the lights to hide it all. Except I use film grain. The one thing photographers have consistantly tried to destroy over the decades, is now artistic. Hail film grain.

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