Monday, September 8, 2008


So this weekend, or rather weekend plus, has been immensely busy. First off, I saw Nightwish live in Cleveland on Thursday the 4th and it was one of most satisfying shows I've ever seen. I've been dying to see them since 2003 or so, but the termination of their original vocalist put that on halt. Since then they have picked up Anette and been touring for at least over a year. I figured I'd catch them in England, but conveniently they turned up in Cleveland. Overall, the show felt like it had been touring for as long as it has. Not much was left to random and everything felt well rehersed. I've been to way to many shows where the band, more or less, doesn't know what its doing. They played a nice long set, hitting nearly all of the songs from Dark Passion Play (especially The Poet and the Pendulum which was a 13 minute manifestation of that is awe striking about music).

What apparently struck me was how it bloomed visually, namely the chief use of blue lighting. The color blue is almost eternal in feeling, nearly unfathomable. It reminds me of the sea or the sky, elements of nature which are notoriously impossible to contain. It feels like one could lose themselves within it, with sensations of content or peril; maybe both. I've always favored the color in all its mystery, how it draws one in without the nullity of black. I wanted to use blue lights, but alas, I have none nor the means or time to make them. So for those without the materials, there is digital.

While the added color is digital, I left most of the photo untouched. Using my lamp and a faster shutter speed, I took the silhouette photo as I have done many a time before. I liked the limited highlights and mass of black. The way parts of my face seemlessly blend into the background realloy pleases me. The fact that you've got to look for more than a second to see what's going on is what I intended. Overall, quite pleased.

1 comment:

Joe Dohm said...

I like the way the lighting from behind creates the highlights that outline your ear....