Monday, September 8, 2008

I Heard That Mushroomhead....

So the day after Nightwish there was the Mushroomhead concert. Which involved more beer, Jethro Cross again, and some headbanging. The thing that struck me the most about this show was the absolute contrast with the Nightwish show. The Nightwish show was much more relaxed, despite rather heavy music, but the MRH show was headbanging and mosh pits. Neither of which I participated in. The standard for me is to find a nice spot on the balcony and actually watch the show. But it was, eh, lively; so to speak.

Mushroomehad, like Nightwish, was more organized and rehearsed than any of the MRH show opening bands. Which they ought to be, they've been doing this stuff for over ten years now. But while Nightwish had the legendary Sonata Artica opening (which was equally as impressing), MRH had Living Dead... which had about as much coherence as spilt milk.

But not to focus on the negative....

Mushroomhead is always a treat to watch. Their on stage show is quite over the top, involving masks and costumes and other little oddities. My personal favorite: the double bass drums with spinners. Why? Because it was ridiculous. I loved it. I also liked a lot of the onstage antics and the costumes never cease to entertain.

So anyway, how does this relate to the photo. The X-Face behind my head would be their logo... its a little more obvious now that I look at it. But I woke up about 3-4 hours before Jeff, which gave me some time to horse around in his living room. I saw the poster and it seemed appropriate, so I took the photo using photobooth.

1 comment:

Joe Dohm said...

X-face.....Is that a new title from marvel? ;)