Sunday, November 23, 2008

Oxford Rooftops

So, I managed to get out of Exeter for a change and caught a ride with my grandparents to Oxford. Well technically I went to Harwell, which is where my Aunt Jackie's family lives, but I spent most of my day in Oxford sightseeing. This photo was taken from above Carfax Tower, using me holding the camera out because I'm convinced if someone takes my photo for me, they'll mess it up. Or steal the camera.

So, not surprisingly Oxford's cityscape is kind of plain in the European sense. You won't find this in Ohio. Pointed roofs, orange tiles and some semblence of architecture. Out int he distance you can see the spires of Oxford's schools as well as the Dome.

The trip was nice to see and experience, I haven't been there since 2002 and I barely had any idea of what I was looking at. Plus, no camera. I visited a few of the schools, from the outside that is. They don't let outsiders in very often. However, Julia pulled some strings when [i]she[/i] went and got to see the inside. On this trip, I didn't have all my Hillsdale credentials with me... damn.

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