Monday, November 17, 2008

Remembrance Day

So this is the second year in a row that I've been in England for Remembrance Day, this particular one marks 90 years since the last shots were fired in on the western front, 1918. Apparently there are 3 First World War veterans in the UK left. On Remembrance Sunday they were in London to lay the wreaths at the monument outside Whitehall. It leads one to reflect on the lives affected by that war and all wars for that matter.

So then they have this annual Poppy Appeal where you give a pound for ailing soldiers and you get a poppy to clip on your jacket as a sign of remembrance. They're extremely popular, you don't often see someone without one. So I thought this poppy would look nice on my winter coat. That it would have a sort of a feeling of the past which is common to these times of remembrance.

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