Saturday, September 27, 2008

Coffee Americano is not American Coffee

Its more like a watered down Expresso. Here we see that little ole coffee shop, ironically labeled Boston Tea Party. It is home to my internet access, at 30 minute intervals per cup of coffee I purchase. All and all, quite ridiculous seeing as internet is free local Burger Kings in America, where free wireless is a human right. Eh well, whatever is necessary to compel me to buy coffee... now here's a thought: pubs with a free 30 minute wireless per pint of beer.

1 comment:

JGR said...

Just to let you know, in America there is also a drink called"Coffee Americano," and what it is, is a cup of hot water with a shot of espresso in it.

So, you weren't off when you said it tasted like "watered down espresso," because it is.

I'd make another coffee choice because you wouldn't drink Coffee Americano even if you were in America.
