Wednesday, January 30, 2008


01.30.2008 Dorsal

What a long, boring and unfulfilling day. No work due to a snowless snow day and plenty of other bull to deal with.

On the brightside and sad, Y the Last Man reached its conclusion and the series is at an end. If there is anything I respect about Brian K. Vaughn's created storylines, it that they have a beginning, middle and end. Who would guess that simple storytelling could be so difficult?

Anyway, it was a fantastic series. Certainly one that I will read again and recommend to everyone. My girlfriend is halfway through, she likes it but she's not a comic book fan, which explains why she doesn't love it.

Anyway, the above picture is inspired by the last cover of Y the Last Man. The lighting needs work, but all I've got to work with are the bathroom, hall and parent's bedroom lights. I wish the wall was blank, but pictures looked better than nails. If and when I get a place of my own, every room is going to be able to be converted to a studio in less than five minutes. I'm so sick of having to deal with my whole family's surroundings.

So anyway, school tomorrow unless there is a another snowless snow day. I'll see you tomorrow.

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