Saturday, January 19, 2008

Indentured to the Road

Day 1 01-19-2008 Indentured to the Road

I've been anticipating the start of this project since I conceived it. I was thinking that for the start of it I would do a lit candle on a birthday cake to really send it off. Then I got called to Washington D.C. for a job interview and my whole weekend was thrown into disarray. Washington is around 7 hours away but it comes to 8 when you factor in stops for the toilet, coffee and food.

The roadwork in Washington is overly complex as well. It certainly adds more stress to my trip on top of the interviewing to begin with. I also met 'benefactor' for the first real time. He's a real great guy and he's letting me use his house as a forward base into Washington. Needless to say, its been an uncertain and stressful weekend.

But that's where I think this photo project really shines. It depicts the chaos and unexpected as it happens. Not everything goes as planned and you can see that by this photo. I went from a carefully choreographed photo to photographing myself somewhere in the middle of the state of William Penn. Photographing at 70 mph? Already, I'm wondering what I was thinking.

I really enjoy the fuzzy dice at the top left and I regret not including more of them. They are a victim of the haphazard planning of this photo. If photographing on the turnpike is dangerous, than editing at 70 is suicidal. Much like this weekend, I had take what I could get in this photo and make something with it. Not too shabby, eh?

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