Thursday, January 24, 2008

Old Friend

01.24.2008 Old Friend

I've been cleaning up my belongings and selling things on ebay. My old Cello turned up and my first impulse was to sell it off, I haven't played it in years. I haven't even looked at it in years. My mom fortunately topped me from selling it off, as tempting as it may be. She said "Maybe one day you'll pick it up and wonder if you can still play."

Instead of playing it, I took a picture of it and got reacquainted with an old friend. It felt a bit shameful to go B&W with it, the wood is simply brilliant in the right lights. However, my background and dress are better without color. Also, I should note, this is the first photo in which my face is not shown.

A while back, at St. Mary's Central Catholic, we had a visiting artist who was a Photographer named Susan. I didn't learn much from the two week experience, but it did leave a lasting impression. The woman told us about how she'd done a portrait series of her deceased father based on what he left behind. For example, his shoes. It struck me then, still does, how empty the photo felt yet still had the sense of a portrait. It captured the deceased subject and the artist mourning him all too well.

How this all relates me and this photo. Basically, I used the above example as a reason to cut my face out. The subject, I feel, is still about me but more as an extension of my life both past and present. Here's this really elegant instrument left unattended to, I'd cut it out long ago and the grayness of the image attests to that. Then this urge to see it again and become familiarized. I think there is also a hint of regret in this photo...

I ended up putting it back in the case but the thought it further to the front of my mind now. I'd like to play again, I just need to figure out how to get started.

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