Sunday, January 27, 2008

I Have but Two Faces

01.27.2008 I Have but Two Faces

"Forgive me
I have but two faces
One for the world
One for God
Save me."
-Tuomas Holopainen

Since I've heard this song by Nightwish, I've been thinking "Oh, that would be good for a self- portrait." It's a pretty meaningful quote, take from it what you will. From what I understand, the quote reflects a anxious and depressing time for its writer. It's actually from a larger work titled The Poet and the Pendulum located within their latest album, Dark Passion Play.

The Poet and the Pendulum is quite dark, even tragic in a number of ways. Above all, it is incredibly well written and composed in the style that defines Nightwish. That being full orchestra, choir and metal band. The basic premise is that of the Poet lying upon an altar with the swing blade above, a la Edgar Allen Poe style. Personally, I found it interesting and moving to walk through all 13 minutes and 55 seconds of the piece to witness a man self analyzed, criticized and wandering for solace and peace. For me, there is in this song quite a bit to relate to and to recognize.

I chose the quote for its truth and mystery, not to mention the melody that you may not have heard, and the momentum of the song as a whole. Again, I find myself playing with shutter speed, which I'm still getting the hang of. For today's photography, I more than anything wanted a studio in which I could change backgrounds and lighting with relative ease.

I'm going to have to arrange something.

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