Friday, February 29, 2008


02.29.2008 Leap

When I first concocted this project and realized that 2008 was a leap year I knew I had to do something crazy for February 29th. Well, maybe not crazy... just a little special. So basic recipe: slow shutter speed. I took about 20 frames of me jumping down the stairs and the one I liked the most is the one you see now.

I wore a white T-Shirt and exposed my socks because I figured the light would pick it up and give me streaky patterns. Looks like it worked, I can't wait to try some more of this out.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Small Potatoes

02.28.2008 Small Potatoes

Definitely going for peculiar in this edition of Twenty Three. The tongue face was improvised though. I was just standing there and this urge came over me to stick my tongue out at the potatoes. It's quite beautiful, really.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


02.27.2008 V

So named because of the V the corners of the bathroom make on my head. For some reason I think the bathrooms in my parents house have the neatest light effects and i wanted to take advantage of that just once. The downstairs has a frosted window, which gives a real cool diffused light effect. The upstairs, used here, gets totally different sun as its a level above.

That's all the write up I care for today.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Snow Day

02.26.2008 Snow Day

No really, it was a snow day. I didn't work at school because of it. It's like all the snow just fell at once. I mean, I fell asleep around 11 or 12 and woke up at 1:30 am... the place was covered with snow. It's quite nice when the snow first falls because its still white and untainted by the dirt and grime of snowplows and feet. So it was a perfect opportunity to snap today's self portrait.

I took the photograph under one of the two pine trees in the front yard and the whole time I was concerned a giant clump of snow was going to fall on the camera. Even the specks of flying snow worried me. But I kind of assume these cameras are made to deal with the elements. So i snapped a few photos and this was the one I liked the best.

I was hoping to capture some of the snow flying in the wind, but my test shots revealed nothing to me. I guess I didn't anticipate the darkness of my jacket to pluck them from oblivion. You can really tell its blowing too... The shutter speed was quite fast and they're still blurring. I love it. It captured the mood outside more than I anticipated. Overall, quite satisfying.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Get the Joke

02.25.2008 Get the Joke

So I tried something different with today's photo, but its not very new to the modern world. Basically, I desaturated the background to give a little more prominence to the card. Sadly, I think it's a little out of focus, but I was dropping it at random times. I could have increased the aperture, but the shutter speed wouldn't capture the card. Kind of a losing situation.

Anyway, I like the composition. But the technical side needs some work. Perhaps in a couple months I'll have revisit to my top 5 favorite compositions and rework them to perfection. What do you think?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Earth Tones

02.24.2008 Earth Tones

So the inspiration for this image comes from the early artwork of New X-Men. I decided that my brown sweatshirt was ideal for the pose. But it was the only open wall in the house that bought it all together. It's that feeling inside my mind once I saw the yellow wall, my shirt and the tone of my skin that I knew this was gonna be a good photo.

I really like this one and color was a definite good choice. I'll have to try more color photos out sometime.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Bo shit

02.23.2008 Bo shit

As my cousin Tony would say "thats bo shit." I can't even get the picture to turn around.

EDIT: I came back to this one cause when I posted it, it was like 3 am and I was tired as hell. Basically, the differences are this one is B&W and cropped more effectively.

I enjoy the silliness of my pose and the slight apprehension expressed in Julia's smile. Quite nice, really.

Friday, February 22, 2008


02.23.2008 Insanity

So I ended up babysitting my cousins today. It was insane. While i was giving thought to what I would do for today's portrait, my youngest cousin Joseph insisted on messing about with photobooth on my mac. Yeah, he insisted on it for 128 photos. Eventually Julius joined in the fun and insanity ensued. I figured it would be alright to drive the photo-journal aspect of this blog for a day, so I'm sticking with this. Even if it is a low grade picture, involving no thought, silly poses and a cheap computer effect.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Rollin' up the sleeves

02.21.2008 Rollin' up the sleeves.

Because I'm gonna get paint on them if I don't.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Right Handed

02.20.2008 Right Handed

Well, I am right handed after all.

I'm beginning to think that maybe this whole project is a simple exercise in vanity. So I thought I would read up a little more on self portraits and photography. Maybe there was something out there that made sense of the hunch I got back in early January. So I'm still reading and getting a lot of ideas, but I was reading Ansel Adams The Negative when I noticed the way the light shot through the front window, reflected off the glass hutch and illuminated my fingers. The moment was pure excitement, I grabbed the camera and took a whole bunch of photos until I finally got it right.

I have to say, my ability in the mechanics of cameras and software leaves a bit to be desired. I'm still seeking out that mastery to produce awesome photographs. The composition ability, I think, is there. It's just the translation from third eye to medium that needs work. Hence my right hand... the tool I wield with the most mastery (yet not mastered). It's kind of an expression of my desire to convey what's going on between the neurons.

So, basically what I'm trying to say is: I think this photograph reaches both my goals in use of tools as well as conveyed message. More so than any of the previous images in this blog. Not bad, one in thirty? I think that's a 3% success rate.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


02.19.2008 Anxiety

Bah. I couldn't sleep last night. I didn't bother to read because I was convinced that I would, and could, fall asleep any second. The whole time I was praying I wouldn't get called into work. I didn't, I passed out around 6:00 am and took the necessary hours of sleep to give my day some function.

A lot is on the horizon for me, I think. The prospect of going to England for grad school is now more than likely. This brings that stress which is companion to anticipation. I'm excited about a little web comic I've got going on.. I planned out, to the most minute detail, the first story arc last night. I wondered about life. I wondered about the future. I felt anxious in the dark, wrapped in my heavy blanket.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Ich kann nicht sterben, I eine Dirne für eine kalte Welt.

02.17.2008 Ich kann nicht sterben, I eine Dirne für eine kalte Welt.

Pretty long for a title, but its derived from the Nightwish song I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. Just feeling really... colorless right now.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Two Points

02.17.2008 Two Points

Slow shutter speed, interesting new vantage point... we've got the self portrait of the day. I think it would be better without the white ceiling, but all the ceilings I have access to are white. Too bad.

Anyway, an exciting day, or weekend, up in the dale. The Hillsdale that is. As unusual that area is, it has some of the best restaurants I know of. I finally went to Cascarlli's after knowing about it for ages... dear Lord, that place is awesome. A great selection of beer, high quality pizza... Hmm, I should get some money for advertising.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


02.16.2008 Chocolat?

"Wait, take a different picture. You look, uh, like retarded in that one." Is what she said to me. So for the sake of upsetting her, who refuses to be named, I'm posting this delightful picture of myself about to bite into a piece of chocolate.

Friday, February 15, 2008


02.15.2008 Sigh

A silly photo for a silly day. What's so silly about today, I don't know. But I really dig my collar. the shadows of my eye lashes. The swirl of my mouth and cheek kind of make me wish I wasn't publishing this, but eh, too bad.

For this particular photo, I used the flash and I covered it with my hand. It allowed for decent shadow and highlights, but I got that warm look to the picture I seem to always get. Anyway, until tomorrow.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Silent Red

02.14.2008 Silent Red

Silent Red is made of people. Wait... Anyway, going with the abstract theme I give you this. Not much time to talk as I need some serious sleep.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Cupid's Bow

02.13.2008 Cupid's Bow

Not really a total off shoot of the previous image, but similar in close up action. To be honest, I think I've grossed myself out. Highlights and deep blacks are good for a photograph, right? It's still gross looking. I feel like a freak from Jabba the Hutt's Palace.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Light in Your Eye

02.12.2008 The Light in Your Eye

Basically, I had a set of pictures I took and none of them turned out like I wanted. I objected to taking new ones because I seriously need to get to bed, so I had to deal with what I got. So the notion of abstract self portraits was born. While I think this one could be a lot cooler if I'd planned in advance, if I had planned in advance I would have nothing like this. So its strange and tomorrow I'm going to try to do something based on this.

Monday, February 11, 2008

I've Got My Eye on You

02.11.2008 I've Got My Eye on You

Quite pleased with the way this one turned out. The lighting seems about on, focus is good, even the composition isn't bad. Rock on then.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Almost Gone

02.10.2008 Almost Gone

So I was in bed a few seconds ago when i realized I hadn't posted today's pic. I took it around 3 pm today, but never got around to putting it up. So here it is, almost gone.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Glimmer of the Pan, the Scent of Soup

02.09.2008 The Glimmer of the Pan, the Scent of Soup.

I was pondering what to do for today's self portrait and someone else's self portrait came to mind. In photography class my friend Joe did one of himself cooking and basically, I just stole it. But it's ok, its postmodern.

As I look through these pictures, I've noticed that a ton of them involve a sweatshirt. Maybe once summer time arrives we'll see some variety, but until then I'm not parting with the hoodies. Its freezing in here. Something some soup can fix....

Friday, February 8, 2008

Out Cold

02.08.2008 Out Cold

I think I heard someone rustling around the house last night. As it turns out, seemingly, it was my imagination, the wind or the dog... maybe all three. I laid down to go back to sleep and I had one of those moments, where you realize that you are not going to sleep at all.

I ended up reading until 7, eventually passing out at 8 and going to work at 9. Kind of the downside of being on call for a job. No late night reading and eating cheese and crackers. Bummer.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Brown for President

02.07.2008 Brown for President

Since Mitt just announced that he was stepping out of the race, I thought I ought to tell you why. He wants to make way for the real candidate, I, Carl Brown.

It's a shame he's dropping out though. He had some strong qualifications AND he wasn't coming from the Senate. I just wish he didn't make that stupid comment at the end about democrats getting elected and succumbing to terror. It was beneath you Mitt, really.

I have a theory that no man can survive the transition from Senate to Presidency. Save Ben Harrison and J.Q. Adams. But each of those men had their fathers lighting the path before them. Otherwise, no Senator directly to President gets elected, they've all died in office. Which is why none of the major candidates will survive their first term. Sorry, its the curse of Rome.

Anyway, I am not a Senator. Which makes me qualified to lead. Unfortunately I was born in England which prohibits me from running. Damn.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


02.06.2008 Jambon

Jambon is French for ham, which is what I feel like in this picture.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Giant Man

02.05.2008 Giant Man

So I like customizing action figures. I also like making dioramas for them to interact in. I like making money as well. Now, I combine these three things and what do I have? A sweet diorama done for a commission. It's been so fun working on this project. But its been time consuming as well. Regardless, it is about %70 done and I'm taking my picture with it.

It is funny to me that, now its in B&W, it looks so more realistic than I thought it was. Kind of a different perspective on it really tunes you into what is working and what isn't. Like when you draw, holding the drawing in a mirror really clears your eyes and head. It helps. Seeing your project in B&W kind of does the same thing. I think. I'm going to have to experiment with this a little more.

Anyway. Enjoy the photo of me pretending to be a giant. I certainly did.

Monday, February 4, 2008


02.04.2008 Mancave

So.. this is the so called Mancave. It's where I do most of my art and figure customizing. I spend the better part of my day down there. So I figured it was only appropriate that I get a picture done down there. Here I am, studying half of a diorama commission and deciding what to do.

In the background are my sculptures Ariel and Portrait of a Woman. The desk is old furniture from the hotel, the chairs have been in the family since before I was born. There's an orange box from Spain... I'm not from Germany, but I've been there and I bought the soccer banner when the World Cup was there. As you can see, like the Batcave, the Mancave has a lot of quirks and strange things. It is quite symbolic of the past couple of months.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Worm's Eye

02.03.2007 Worm's Eye

Feeling real lazy today. I've been reading more of Modern Times and working on a figure. We (as in my family and myself) went out to my Uncle John and Aunt Donna's for a Superbowl party... I think I caught the last minute. Football was never my thing.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Modern Times Indeed

02.02.2008 Modern Times Indeed

I said I'd include those venetian blinds in my next photo. Didn't get the fedora though...

Anyway, lateness is getting to me... bedtime

Friday, February 1, 2008

Without a Camera

02.01.2008 Without a Camera

Bet you thought this was going to be an imageless update with a title like "without a camera." But that is the beauty of our technological world. There are cameras everywhere. That's good if you're doing a photo journal like me. That's bad if your government is a little paranoid. But we at Twenty Three take the good with the bad.

I love the Venetian blinds. What makes them from Venice anyway? This photo was taken in the "depression office" at the hotel. It's called the depression office because it has everything possible in one room. Kind of running on efficiency, you know? So that's where I spent my night, at work and waiting for guests to show up. That's where I took the picture from the little camera on my computer because I forgot the good one at home.

Oh, Venetian blinds.

Tomorrow I'm going to fix the lighting, buy a Fedora and go from there.