Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Giant Man

02.05.2008 Giant Man

So I like customizing action figures. I also like making dioramas for them to interact in. I like making money as well. Now, I combine these three things and what do I have? A sweet diorama done for a commission. It's been so fun working on this project. But its been time consuming as well. Regardless, it is about %70 done and I'm taking my picture with it.

It is funny to me that, now its in B&W, it looks so more realistic than I thought it was. Kind of a different perspective on it really tunes you into what is working and what isn't. Like when you draw, holding the drawing in a mirror really clears your eyes and head. It helps. Seeing your project in B&W kind of does the same thing. I think. I'm going to have to experiment with this a little more.

Anyway. Enjoy the photo of me pretending to be a giant. I certainly did.

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