Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Right Handed

02.20.2008 Right Handed

Well, I am right handed after all.

I'm beginning to think that maybe this whole project is a simple exercise in vanity. So I thought I would read up a little more on self portraits and photography. Maybe there was something out there that made sense of the hunch I got back in early January. So I'm still reading and getting a lot of ideas, but I was reading Ansel Adams The Negative when I noticed the way the light shot through the front window, reflected off the glass hutch and illuminated my fingers. The moment was pure excitement, I grabbed the camera and took a whole bunch of photos until I finally got it right.

I have to say, my ability in the mechanics of cameras and software leaves a bit to be desired. I'm still seeking out that mastery to produce awesome photographs. The composition ability, I think, is there. It's just the translation from third eye to medium that needs work. Hence my right hand... the tool I wield with the most mastery (yet not mastered). It's kind of an expression of my desire to convey what's going on between the neurons.

So, basically what I'm trying to say is: I think this photograph reaches both my goals in use of tools as well as conveyed message. More so than any of the previous images in this blog. Not bad, one in thirty? I think that's a 3% success rate.

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