Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Snow Day

02.26.2008 Snow Day

No really, it was a snow day. I didn't work at school because of it. It's like all the snow just fell at once. I mean, I fell asleep around 11 or 12 and woke up at 1:30 am... the place was covered with snow. It's quite nice when the snow first falls because its still white and untainted by the dirt and grime of snowplows and feet. So it was a perfect opportunity to snap today's self portrait.

I took the photograph under one of the two pine trees in the front yard and the whole time I was concerned a giant clump of snow was going to fall on the camera. Even the specks of flying snow worried me. But I kind of assume these cameras are made to deal with the elements. So i snapped a few photos and this was the one I liked the best.

I was hoping to capture some of the snow flying in the wind, but my test shots revealed nothing to me. I guess I didn't anticipate the darkness of my jacket to pluck them from oblivion. You can really tell its blowing too... The shutter speed was quite fast and they're still blurring. I love it. It captured the mood outside more than I anticipated. Overall, quite satisfying.

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