Friday, February 1, 2008

Without a Camera

02.01.2008 Without a Camera

Bet you thought this was going to be an imageless update with a title like "without a camera." But that is the beauty of our technological world. There are cameras everywhere. That's good if you're doing a photo journal like me. That's bad if your government is a little paranoid. But we at Twenty Three take the good with the bad.

I love the Venetian blinds. What makes them from Venice anyway? This photo was taken in the "depression office" at the hotel. It's called the depression office because it has everything possible in one room. Kind of running on efficiency, you know? So that's where I spent my night, at work and waiting for guests to show up. That's where I took the picture from the little camera on my computer because I forgot the good one at home.

Oh, Venetian blinds.

Tomorrow I'm going to fix the lighting, buy a Fedora and go from there.

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