Thursday, February 7, 2008

Brown for President

02.07.2008 Brown for President

Since Mitt just announced that he was stepping out of the race, I thought I ought to tell you why. He wants to make way for the real candidate, I, Carl Brown.

It's a shame he's dropping out though. He had some strong qualifications AND he wasn't coming from the Senate. I just wish he didn't make that stupid comment at the end about democrats getting elected and succumbing to terror. It was beneath you Mitt, really.

I have a theory that no man can survive the transition from Senate to Presidency. Save Ben Harrison and J.Q. Adams. But each of those men had their fathers lighting the path before them. Otherwise, no Senator directly to President gets elected, they've all died in office. Which is why none of the major candidates will survive their first term. Sorry, its the curse of Rome.

Anyway, I am not a Senator. Which makes me qualified to lead. Unfortunately I was born in England which prohibits me from running. Damn.

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