Monday, February 4, 2008


02.04.2008 Mancave

So.. this is the so called Mancave. It's where I do most of my art and figure customizing. I spend the better part of my day down there. So I figured it was only appropriate that I get a picture done down there. Here I am, studying half of a diorama commission and deciding what to do.

In the background are my sculptures Ariel and Portrait of a Woman. The desk is old furniture from the hotel, the chairs have been in the family since before I was born. There's an orange box from Spain... I'm not from Germany, but I've been there and I bought the soccer banner when the World Cup was there. As you can see, like the Batcave, the Mancave has a lot of quirks and strange things. It is quite symbolic of the past couple of months.

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