Saturday, March 15, 2008

Ides of March

03.15.2008 Ides of March

So its been, what, over 2000 years since Julius Caesar's death? And yet I find myself, amongst a number of other people remembering it. To be accurate, however, it is unknown whether or not Caesar was actually killed on the Ides of March. But Shakespeare says he was and that's good enough for me.

I went through a lot to set this particular photo up but with a theme I feel obligated to. The bust, placed to arouse a sense of Roman culture, is actually of my brother Ed. I made it for a study about a year ago. The chess set was placed to emphasize strategy and conflict, as well as the maneuvering of politics. I changed my dress to something more modernly political because, well, I don't own a Toga.

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