Sunday, March 23, 2008


03.23.2008 PEEPS!

What do I love about Easter? Peeps.

We did the Easter Vigil last night and I considered doing a photo from that but I figured it would be rude to the faithful if some guy was messing about with his camera during the mass. I was a little out of inspiration this morning and amongst the hubbub of preperation for the family I noticed my Easter basket... yes, I still get an Easter basket but I have to share it with my three brothers... and its contents with everyone else. Anyway, there were some peeps and I figured what better to take a photo with than peeps!?!

So I spiced it up with a little Andy Warhol influence and photoshop technology and admired the fine and beautiful contours of my face prior to gorging on a precious peep. Yeah, I look real ugly. But I suppose the sacrifice to of a young peep to the mysterious all consuming jaw-stomach complex shouldn't be pretty.

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