Sunday, March 16, 2008

Palm Sunday

03.16.2008 Palm Sunday

So yesterday we looked at a Roman anniversary, today we give our attention to Jerusalem. When Jesus entered into Jerusalem the Jews waved palms before him and in the Catholic Church, over 2000 years later, we pick up palms, get them blessed and continue the tradition. What can I say, I enjoy remembrances of a historical nature.

I have to point out that its neat that the Ides of March and Palm Sunday fall so close together. Its like Roman Empire week or something.

I stuck with a color photograph because I wanted the yellow of the wall and the green in the palms to work together. Somehow my blue and white shirt seems to fit in nicely though I can't exactly pinpoint why. I suppose the green and (this) yellow are more of a cool nature, and the blue and white combination is cool as well.

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