Sunday, March 30, 2008


03.30.2008 Mask

So, the inspiration for this pic comes from the box of tissues sitting on the table in the dining room. I thought I could take the photo of me blowing my nose, which the early shots of this pic display but it changed as I took more photos. I thought about how in World War I the initial method of combating gas attacks was to urinate on a cloth and breath through it. They did this until gas masks were developed and produced in mass for the allied soldiers. That idea then mutated into the notion of guarding against plague or disease by the only means immediately available.

Imagine finding out everyone in a crowded room has the flu.

So I tried to add a bit of superstition on my face. In some of the pictures this is derived from, its overly silly. So I settled on silly/superstitious looks seeing as when disease is concerned, most people act irrationally. There's something threatening about things you can't control or see.

So I ended up with this photo at the end of, around 15-20. Part of the reason the number is so high is because I've been having difficulty calculating my focus range from the opposite end of the lens. I'd up the aperture, but usually it gives me a low shutter speed and blurriness due to motion (of which you can detect a little in this photo) becomes a problem. Eh well, you do what you can, right?

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