Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Blues and Grays

The Blues and Grays

Right, so it just occurred to me that blues and grays is also a reference to Civil War uniforms. All I really wanted to do was describe the colors, or rather the lack of.

So obviously I took the camera to the beach but sadly, the weather had turned cold and the sky gray. But I tried to make an intersting composition anyway. Even if it cost me the dryness of my shoes. What I like about it, and I just realized it now, was the reflection in the sandy water. That's somethign I was totally ignorant of during the shoot. perhaps in the full sing of summer I will work with it again when I can get wet and not worry about freezing.

Anyway, I like the composition. I just wish I could get some color in there. I keep thinking about the photo with the tree... Northwest, and how much I liked the color of pink and blue with the short depth of field. I think that often I go out with the intent of finding something and often not. Perhaps my eyes need work.

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