Monday, May 5, 2008



Wait, Cinco de Mayo is today, you say? No. I'm pretty sure... oh... dang. So yeah, I guess I'll leave it as is. Partially cause I don't want to do the whole switcheroo. But also partially because it's indicative of my scatterbrain.

Anyway, this is the picture taken on the fourth, switched out because it was the fifth, and then actually posted on the fifth because when I thought it was the fifth it was actually the fourth.

Basically, I was looking around the house for outdoors things that I had previously left unnoticed throughout the winter. Then I found that old brickpile in the back of our house. What I liked best about it was the crack across the rows of bricks. It just boggled mind to think that the crack could be continuous across the separate bricks. It must have been a single event that cracked them... maybe. I'm not a physicist.

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