Sunday, May 4, 2008



So I spent some time outside taking pictures and I had a good one picked out, so I filled out the date and I realized it was Cinco de Mayo. Not that I'm Mexican or anything... I'm American and that gives me the ability/right to steal a holiday from a culture and celebrate anyways.

The only Mexican thing in our house is a neon Corona sign in my brother's room... my younger brother of nine years. Yeah, he's got Mike's hard lemonade lights around his window as well. You see, the restaurant is closing this summer and we're leasing out to a Thai restaurant. Which means we need to get out crap out of there so they can get theirs in. Amongst other things, our crap consisted of neon lights from the bar. So Eddie swiped them and put them up in his room. I don't think its a sign of early alcoholism as it is a fascination with putting commercial objects where they don't usually go.

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