Saturday, May 31, 2008

Eye Study

I know its a little late, but I came in late last night and everyone was asleep, so I couldn't very well around and snap photos, especially because of the light. My parents hate it when I turn on the lights to take photos when they are sleeping. So I put it off until I had time today, which was about now. I've been playing Axis and Allies all day... and last night. Not something I've got the complete hang of yet.

Anyway, this is an eye study. The idea came form a book cover, The Host I believe. I caught sight of it at Boarders yesterday. Initially, I was going to go for an iris shot, but decided that this would be the appropriate precursor. Basically, I took the photo after many attempts at achieving good focus, then I dodged the face, my favorite part being the removal of eyebrows, and then I burned the eye lashes a little.

The final product made me step back a little. I had no idea that my eyes looked like that. Taking them out of context has that effect. It is also quite eerie, which was an expected effect. Have you ever noticed that in movies and photos. ect, that eyes are always used? Interesting that something so human cause be so unsettling.

1 comment:

Joe Dohm said...

dude, I totally thought those were woman eyes.....