Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Hallway

04.23.2008 The Hallway

Anyway, I've been reading the sixteen tips for good portrait photography. I think I've been mentioning it before in the talks about overexposing and underexposing photos. Well one of the tips is capture the culture.

Now, I figured that since I didn't live in some far off exotic place that there wasn't much culture to share. But I started off in the hallway where there are some interesting paintings and gradually moved down the hall until I reached my mother's font display. I figured if Catholics were a minority in the US, then it qualified as culture.

I tried to photograph it as I would see it every day, in passing. The best way to capture that, to me, was movement. I took a few in motion, this one seemed the best to go with. I also kept my jacket on as it provided some continuity with the color scheme in the wall paint, therfore emphasizing the fonts and my blurred face.

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