Monday, April 7, 2008

Rye Beach in the Spring, Sunset

04.07.2008 Rye Beach in the Spring, Sunset

I think we've finally had our first day of spring, here in Ohio. I was absolutely beautiful weather outside today. Sp I figured that given this excellent weather it ought to go out an take some outdoor photos. I mean, I've only been complaining about the winter weather for how long now? So Eddie, my brother, and I plus Loki, our dog, went to the beach. I was shocked at the amount of drift wood washed up on shore. I figure most of it must have been trapped in the ice depicted in the March photo of "Shackeltoned." As the ice melted, it must have washed ashore. There was so much of it that someone built a little fort, depicted to the right of me.

Anyway, there was much rock climbing, throwing of drift wood and Loki took a swim in Lake Erie. it resulted in us having to give him a bath because he stunk to high heaven. I suppose it was ok though. He hasn't been swimming all winter. So Eddie and I gave him a wash down and Eddie, in his ingenious ways, thought it would be a good idea to dry him using the leaf blower. It worked out pretty nice and Loki got dry through all that fur and down to the skin; this is unusual for him at bath time.

Anyway, this photo is a bit inspired by the gorgeous sunrises I catch on my way to work. I keep driving east and thinking how I wish I had time and my camera with me to snap a few quick photos of the sunrise over the lake. So for this photo, I had to settle for sunset, which can be just as interesting. The only difficulty was that the path west was obstructed by trees and a few piers and houses... not to mention Cedar Point off in the the distance. Our beach is pretty tucked in on the north coast of Ohio. But I still got a decent gradient of color across the sky. It was nearly completely over cast at mid day today, but it receded to puffy white clouds towards the end of the day, only when we finally got out there were no clouds to be seen. Too bad. That's ok, there's months of sunsets to come yet.

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