Friday, April 25, 2008


04.25.2008 Northwest

So there is this blossoming tree in my neighbors yard. It's only been in bloom for the past couple of days. But I've been noticing it and how awesome it looks. Call me a wuss, but flowers are freaking cool. It's like watching a supernova in slow motion and in your backyard... On a tree.

So I snapped a few photos of the tree in various angles and apertures and shutter speeds. I think I'm going to compile a Flowers in Spring 2008 portfolio or something. I have a bunch from the zoo I really enjoy looking at as well. So we'll see where that takes us.

It's titled Northwest because I felt like it had a strong up and left direction. Notice the branches, my face, even the gradient in the sky. Overall, I'm quite pleased with this one. I'm glad the extreme worm's eye worked out as well. You know how a lot of times people, including myself, do it to be edgy and it really fails... I think it worked here. What do you think?

1 comment:

Chris Garcia said...

Really beautiful shot here. The angle's great, I like the composition, and even the cool, natural lighting works really well in the setting.